888JUNKCARS.COM is a one stop shop when it comes to helping you get rid of that unwanted vehicles. With the title, we provide a free notary, right there on the spot! For those that the title has been misplaced in a move or over time or your dog ate it, yes that’s actually happened, we provide all the necessary paperwork, right here on the spot, to help you sell it for cash!
Before calling us at 888-611-7416, however you may decide to sell your car yourself. Selling unwanted vehicles is a fun way to meet new people, sometimes interesting people and time consuming and caution should be taken when giving out your home address. Here are a few simple steps to take in selling an unwanted vehicle before using 888JUNKCARS.COM:
Please remember, whenever the time comes, and that old unwanted vehicle is still in your driveway and you just want it gone, give us a call at 888-JUNK-CARS, that’s 888-586-5227…we’re only a simply phone call away! We will provide you the piece in mind by taking care of everything for you and we always pay you in cash while helping you complete the necessary paperwork. Remember to refer a friend or neighbor to receive a $25 cash referral. Please keep in mind that some, but not all, junk vehicles that are acquired will be sent to www.restoreautomotive.com and will be given a second chance. Give your old vehicle that chance and by choosing 888JUNKCARS.COM, I’m sure your old vehicle, will thank you TOO!
Call or Text 888-611-7416/888-586-5227
and give us the location of your vehicle
We will come pickup your vehicle at no cost to you
We will pay top dollar for your vehicle in less than 1 hour. Guaranteed!
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